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Introduction to programming with games

In this course we will familiarize ourselves with the basics of programming – primitive data types, arrays, conditional statements, loops and much more.

We will make a couple of basic games written in C# (C# Console Application) to understand the basic concepts of game development.


Take a look at the lectures for this course.

1. Introduction to Zariba Game Academy

This lecture is a brief introduction to the Academy. We will explain what our goals are and how are we going to achieve them.

2. Introduction to From Noob to Game Developer

This lecture is an introduction to the course From Noob To Game Developer. We will explain what the different modules are and what lectures will be presented in each module. There will be some changes to the program stated here, but we will try to follow these guidelines.

3. Introduction to Programming - C# and Visual Studio

In this lecture we will familiarize ourselves with C# and Visual Studio. We will create a simple project and we will run our first programme with C#.

4. Primitive Data Types

We will describe how to declare and use the most basic data types – numbers, boolean, string, character, object.

5. Console Input/Output

We will take a look at the Console in C# and its features. How to output information to the Console. How to take input from the user via the Console. There will be different examples of the functionality and properties of the Console throughout.

6. Operators and Expressions

In this lecture we will describe the different operators in C# and how to use them in expressions.

We will consider arithmentic, logical, binary, comparison, assignment, concatenation, type conversion and other operators. Those will be mentioned with their order of execution, proper use with many examples.

7. Conditional Statements

We will familiarize ourselves with the conditional statements available in C#. These include “if”, “if-else”, “if-else if”, and “switch-case” statements.

8. Loops

We will learn how to repeat similar procedures in C# with the use of loops. We will look at “while”, “do-while”, “for” and “foreach” loops. As examples we will run some basic algorithms.

9. Workshop 1: Simple Speed Testing

In this workshop we will learn how to make a simple speed testing for your programmes. We will run some basic computations to see which one is faster. The results could be shocking!

10. Workshop 2: Making a Game - Hangman

This is our first game. We will start with Hangman as there is no better way to start your game development career.

11. Workshop 3: Making a Game - Falling Rocks

This is our first game. We will start with Hangman as there is no better way to start your game development career.

12. Arrays

Arrays are essential in any programming language. We will see what C# has to offer to make our coding experience a little bit better. We will introduce simple arrays, look at different algorithms and provide a quick example with the class List as an alternative to arrays.

13. Multidimensional Arrays

This lecture is an extension to the previous one. We will introduce multidimensional arrays with a strong focus on 2-dimensional arrays aka matrices.

14. Methods

Methods are one of the many great ways to structure your code and make it more readable and easy to follow. Methods essentially give a name to a piece of code, so that not all parts of the code are written in the “Main” method.

15. Strings

A more in-depth look at the Strings. We will look at different examples and try to explore the functionality given to us from .Net in the String class.

16. Introduction to OOP

A short and unofficial introduction to OOP. If there is anything you don’t understand – the next module will deal with OOP in detail.

17. Workshop 4: Making a Game - Snake

An old time classic. We will create a decent copy of Snake. We will focus a bit more on designing and architecture of our game, as per the scope of the course (no OOP as of yet).

18. Workshop 5: Escape Floor - Exam Solution

A solution to the exam game Escape Floor.