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Introduction to HTML5, CSS and JavaScript

In this module we will briefly introduce HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This serves as a prerequisite for the next module – Phaser with TypeScript.


Take a look at the lectures for this course.

1. Introduction to the HTML, CSS and JavaScript module

This is an introductory lecture to the course.

2. Introduction to HTML5

This is a very short introduction to HTML. We will look at the basic tags – used 90% of the time with two short demos.

3. Introduction to CSS

4. Introduction to JavaScript

5. JavaScript OOP

6. Animations and Drawing with Canvas

In this lecture we will be drawing shapes and creating a simple animation using the Canvas HTML tag. This will help us create a game from scratch in the next lecture.

7. Making a Game with Canvas - Hungry Shark

In this lecture will be creating a game from scratch called Hungry Shark. We will be using pure javascript, a little bit of jquery, css and HTML . The idea of this lecture is to show that making games without a JavaScript Game Engine/Framework is possible but tedious. The game is great exercise to serve as a prerequisite to the next Module – making games with Phaser.